Here are ten testimonials from a sample of our fantastic members. What do they think of Worthing Speakers Club?

1. Cecily joined in 2013

It took me many months to pluck up courage to go to Worthing Speakers Club and I am so pleased that I did.
Initially the club was small but welcoming.
I was extremely nervous about giving my first prepared speech, was relieved at having done it, and then wanted to do more!
Being a member of Worthing Speakers Club is fun and challenging, offering me regular opportunities to get out of my comfort zone - so important for maintaining confidence now that I have retired.

2. Toby joined in 2014

I am so glad that I made the decision to join Worthing Speakers in 2014. I was coming up to my 40th Birthday and, in true “what am I doing with my life” mode, I decided to face one of the things I wanted to develop in terms of speaking confidently. Although I’d enjoyed amateur dramatics when I was younger, when it came to being myself, especially impromptu speaking I felt nervous and unconfident. 
Fast forward nearly 9 years and I’ve been so thankful that I made the decision to join. In terms of public speaking I have really developed my confidence and listening skills, and in terms of leadership I have used the skills developed to help me gain promotions at work. 
I am so glad to be a member and enjoy hearing the speeches each meeting as well as seeing members develop and grow 

3. Tony joined in 2015

I was already familiar with the Toastmaster meeting format having attended a club with work in Bromley.  I found Worthing to be a friendly bunch and the one difference that sticks out for me is that the salutation always included the president which didn’t happen at my previous club, and I’ve been quite stubborn about sticking with that!
I keep going to the club as it’s a chance to keep my presenting skills relevant, fresh and ready to use.  It just makes life so much easier at work when called upon.  It’s also great to help newer members.

4. Amy joined in 2016

I joined our club to meet people and improve my Australian slang. But I found an amazing community that supports members to grow as communicators and leaders. I have made great friends and honed various leadership skills in a safe environment, supportive environment. I have stayed for the sense of community, the self-paced education system and the joy of meeting other people dedicated to lifelong learning.

5. Dave joined in 2018

Having taken on a couple of positions in a Technical Community which required me to speak in public, I soon realised that I was terrible at it! When I was then given the opportunity to go to Toastmasters and learn how to do things properly, it was hard to say no, despite having no idea what I was going to encounter. At that first meeting, I ended up speaking a couple of times, thanks to the support I received from the moment I walked through the door. It was both scary and fun at the same time and that theme of being both challenged and supported has persisted throughout my tenure at Worthing Speakers Club, including in my current term serving as Club President.

6. Lucy joined in 2019

My first taste of Worthing Speakers was at their "Speech on the Beach" event. On a hot summer's day I came along to listen to speeches and even joined in the table topics. It took me a while to decide to join the club, but I am so glad I did. My confidence levels have grown, and I have taken on a leadership role in the club. I would recommend Worthing Speakers to anyone wanting to develop their skills whatever direction they might wish to take.

7. Natalie joined in 2019

I remember those ‘jelly legs’ when I attended my first Toastmasters meeting - just walking in the room was causing me internal trauma!
Four years later, I still get nervous but being a member of Worthing Speakers Club has taught me how to manage my nerves and turn them into something very positive.
Due to my own self development at the club, I’ve moved jobs and am now in role that requires public speaking and mentoring - two things I wouldn’t have been able to do before Toastmasters!

8. Hana joined in 2020

I joined the club in March 2020 just when meetings moved on Zoom. The main reason was to gain confidence, meet new friends and to become a better speaker in general.
The best thing about WSC are the amazing members who have always been very kind, supportive and helpful. Not to mention that the members are a bunch of wonderful human beings.

9. Ryan joined in 2022

I was recommended to come along by my manager at work. I found the first meeting to be supportive and the speeches were both humorous and interesting, if a little daunting. I remember the toastmaster on the night and I was very impressed by how effortlessly and confidently she led the evening’s proceedings.
I joined because I wanted to gain confidence and improve my ability to speak in front of people. In the months before I joined, I had some unsuccessful interviews and believed the club could help me with this. Within a few months of joining, my confidence had come on and I had gained a promotion at work.
As well as this, however, I find each club night an opportunity to learn from the excellent and experienced speakers at the club, from how they talk and present and how they evaluate a speaker. I have learned directly from a mentor and I have also learned about many different topics, which has been absolutely fascinating. It helps that some sessions can have you laughing all evening too – it feels like a comedy night sometimes, which is great!

10. Aija joined in 2022

I heard of Worthing speakers club few years ago, but honestly, I always found excuses not to attend.
So last year, as part of my new year’s resolutions I pushed myself to just go there and see.
The first meeting I attended as a guest and straight after I signed up to Worthing speakers club as member.
My main reason was and still is to get more confident in speaking front of new people. To learn to deliver clear, structured speeches, to be confident in giving other people advice, even though English is my second
The first meeting felt unbelievable. I looked on those all people doing speeches, doing other roles, and thought they are the stars if they can do all of those things. For me it was something I would never ever would be able to do. It seemed terrifying, complicated and very scary, I felt that there are absolutely great people around who are happy to support you at any of your role – and honestly, I wasn’t wrong - great club, great people.

10th Anniversary testimonials

Happy 10th birthday to Worthing Speakers Club